
BibEdit: safety features, refactoring, bugfixes

Authored by Lars Christian Raae <lars.christian.raae@cern.ch> on May 8 2009, 11:12.


BibEdit: safety features, refactoring, bugfixes

  • One cache per user per record. No more cache hijackings. Future diff and merge will be easier to implement.
  • BibEdit deletes unneeded caches e.g., when a user leaves an unchanged record.
  • "Freshness checks" - detect if DB record has been updated during the lifetime of the cache. Check when getting or submitting record. Propose various solutions to the user.
  • Detect and handle if cache file disappears unexpectedly.
  • Detect and handle if cache file is updated outside the active editor (by BibEdit in other window, or other tool e.g., BibMerge).
  • Confirmation dialogs when submitting a record, deleting a record or cancelling editing
  • Whenever possible, warn user if he/she leaves unsubmitted changes behind.
  • Submit is now disabled if record is unchanged, but activates and turns green when record gets edited.
  • Fixed bug which made it possible to edit protected fields.
  • Hotkeys are now properly ignored in situations where they would be inappropriate.
  • Hash management somewhat simplified, by not trying to accomodate hashes invented by the user.
  • Heavy refactoring...
  • Many small bug fixes.


Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch>Jun 2 2009, 09:32
R3600:1c768cc3c989: BibRank: micro-optimized get_cited_by_weight()

Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:5861260641e7: BibEdit: safety features, refactoring, bugfixes (authored by Lars Christian Raae <lars.christian.raae@cern.ch>).Jun 2 2009, 09:32